Zoning Committee Down-Zones Double Door Over Owner’s Objections
Fran Spielman | Chicago Sun-Times | September 11, 2017
The City Council’s Zoning Committee on Monday down-zoned the property that once housed the now-shuttered Double Door music venue in Wicker Park over the property owner’s strenuous objections.
Local Ald. Proco Joe Moreno (1st) used his iron-fisted control over zoning to muscle through a change that will strengthen his hand in determining the future of the property at 1572 N. Milwaukee.
“It’s a planning tool. We want the community to have a say. We don’t want anyone to lose money,” Moreno said after the vote.
“We don’t make zoning changes based on how much money people are going to make or lose. That’s for the market to decide — not me. What we want is a planning tool so we have a responsible business that contributes to the community. And I hope he makes a lot of money when he sells it.”
Moreno noted that the down-zoning approved Monday was not as drastic as the original version.
It would have gone from B3-2 to B1-1. Instead, it’ll be reduced to B2-2, giving the property owner a bit more leeway.